The Bliss of Krishna Consciousness: A Transformative Journey

Merging Into Oneness
6 min readAug 30, 2024


Growing up in India, my understanding of Hindu deities was limited to the framework of religious rituals passed on by family. The temples were always packed with people, the air thick with heat and sweat, and the mix of incense and body odor was overwhelming. Janmashtami, to me, was such another festival where I’d get dragged to the temple by my parents. I couldn’t understand why people seemed so intoxicated by Krishna’s love — why they danced, sang, and lost themselves in devotion. All I cared about was grabbing the prasad and chanting the mantra “Can we go now?” endlessly till my parents got fed up and gave in to leave.

It wasn’t until the last couple of years, through my journey of meditation, that I began to truly appreciate the divine essence of our Hindu deities. In the quiet realms of my own mind, free from the chaos of crowded temples, I started to have these incredible, transcendental experiences. It was like stepping into another realm — one where the deities I had only known through stories came alive and interacted with me in the most vivid and personal ways. Of all these encounters, meeting Krishna has been the sweetest and very special.

In one of these deep meditative states, I found myself in a realm that felt like the gardens of Vrindavan. There, Krishna was playful, mischievous even, like he was teasing me with glimpses of his presence. I could hear the distant, enchanting melody of his flute, calling my soul back to its divine origin, pulling me into a state of pure bliss. He was playing hide and seek with me, just barely out of reach, and the more he eluded me, the more my heart ached to see him. In that moment, I finally understood what had always puzzled me as a child — the intoxication, the bliss that drives people to lose themselves in Krishna’s love. I felt it too, and it was beyond anything I could have imagined.

This experience left me feeling like one of his gopis, completely devoted, as if Krishna was my ultimate beloved. Yet, I also understood that for every gopi who loved Krishna, she was Radha, each feeling that Krishna’s love was meant solely for her. Such is the lila of Krishna, a divine play that transcends the ordinary.

I realized then that Krishna’s essence is pure joy and playfulness, and through this encounter, I also discovered something about myself — my own childlike, playful nature that had been buried under years of conditioning.

Now, when I read or hear the scriptures talk about Krishna, everything makes sense. The stories, the teachings, the devotion — it’s all so much clearer. It’s as if Krishna himself has revealed these truths to me. Inspired by this, I’ve felt a deep calling to share the bliss of Krishna consciousness through my writing, hoping that others might also connect with this divine essence.

Divine Playfulness (Lila): The Joyous Dance of Life

Krishna is celebrated for his playful and joyous nature, often seen as the mischievous child who steals butter or the charming youth enchanting the gopis with his flute. His divine playfulness, or Lila, serves as a reminder that life itself is a cosmic play — a dance of experiences, challenges, and joys. Krishna consciousness inspires us to embrace spontaneity and playfulness, reminding us that even in our daily mundane routines, there is room for fun.

The Eternal Flute (Murali): The Call of the Divine

The sound of Krishna’s flute, known as Murali, holds profound significance in the spiritual realm. It is said that this celestial melody has the power to call souls back to their divine origin. The flute’s enchanting notes transcend the mind from ordinary consciousness, to Krishna consciousness that touches the deepest corners of our hearts. As we listen to this melodious call, it awakens within us a heightened sense of love and devotion, leading us back to our true, divine nature.

Wisdom and Guidance (Guru): Krishna as the Divine Teacher

In the Bhagavad Gita, Krishna emerges as the supreme guru, imparting deep wisdom and guidance to Arjuna, who represents the confused and searching soul. Just as Arjuna grapples with his doubts and inner turmoil, we too face ongoing internal struggles. Embracing Krishna consciousness allows us to connect with our higher intelligence, which provides the clarity and insight necessary to address these inner conflicts and align our actions with our true purpose.

The Yodha (Warrior): The Divine Strategist

Krishna, as a Yodha (warrior), exemplifies not only physical prowess but also exceptional strategic acumen. In his role as Vijaya Sarathi, the victorious charioteer, Krishna leads Arjuna through the Kurukshetra battlefield, helping him confront complex moral choices related to dharma (duty). This role underscores that genuine strength is derived from understanding and following one’s higher principles. Krishna’s strategic guidance highlights the inner battle between our higher aspirations and lower tendencies, teaching us that overcoming these internal conflicts requires both insight and resilience.

The Rasa Dance (Rasa Lila): The Divine Beloved

The Rasa Lila is one of the most enchanting aspects of Krishna’s life, where he engaged in a celestial dance with the gopis, symbolizing the union of the individual soul with the divine. This divine circle of love represents the purest celebration of divine love. Integral to this dance is Radha, Krishna’s eternal consort and divine lover. Radha epitomizes the soul’s deepest love and devotion, embodying the essence of Bhakti. The relationship between Radha and Krishna transcends mere romance, symbolizing the profound connection between the individual soul and the Supreme.

Krishna as the Cosmic Vision (Vishvarupa): The Divine in All

In the Bhagavad Gita, Krishna reveals his Vishvarupa, his universal form, showing that the divine pervades the entire universe. This vision teaches us to see the divine presence in everything and recognize the interconnectedness of all life. Reflect on Krishna’s cosmic form during meditation, and embrace the divine presence in every aspect of your existence.

Devotion (Bhakti): The Path to Krishna

Bhakti, or devotion, is the key to connecting with Krishna Consciousness. It is through devotion that we open our hearts fully to the divine, allowing ourselves to be absorbed in Krishna’s presence. By offering your heart in devotion, whether through prayer, meditation, or acts of kindness, you will draw closer to Krishna and experience the bliss of his divine love.

I invite you to join me in this divine dance. May we all find our way to that sacred place within, where the divine awaits us with open arms, ready to guide us on our journey back to source.

Hare Krishna




Merging Into Oneness

Journey of my spiritual explorations, mystical experiences, learnings and everything in between. Learn more about me here -