Maha Shivaratri : A Cosmic Love Story
Through my kundalini experience last year I understood that this whole creation is a beautiful cosmic love story . The love story of Shiva and Shakti who were once together in union as one. This state of oneness is Brahman.
Shakti was adventurous and playful. Out of curiosity to explore the world, she parted away from Shiva. Their separation led to duality and the creation of this dual world. The unhappiness or the feeling of longing to go back home in all of us is due to this separation of Shiva-Shakti.
Through times immemorial Shiva-Shakti have been incarnating as lovers to live through various love stories so as to re-experience union in brief moments of lovemaking. These periods of ecstasy are short-lived until we learn to expand our consciousness and experience the union with divine or our higher-self.
Shiva-Shakti are internalized in the human body. Shakti, the feminine energy, represents the life force or kundalini energy that resides at the base of the spine. Kundala, meaning coiled, for she has taken the form of a serpent and remains asleep in the lowest chakra of the body called Root or Muladhara chakra. Shiva, the masculine energy, represents pure consciousness that also remains dormant in the topmost chakra of the body called Crown or Sahasrara chakra.
Maha Shivaratri is the night of the Shiva-Shakti union. It’a night when rituals are performed to go deeper in the realms of consciousness to wake up the sleeping kundalini energy. Once awakened, Kundalini energy aka Shakti then travels up the spine to reunite with Shiva. This is the real meaning of Yoga — union with the divine. This union brings the person into a state of enlightenment or Samadhi. It’s a blissful state in which the person experiencing it becomes one with the Brahman - the ultimate truth or the supreme consciousness.
The system of Yoga was initially developed to help people activate and reach this state of union with one’s inner self or Divine.