Embracing the Balance: The Harmony of Shiva and Shakti Energies

Merging Into Oneness
4 min readMay 2, 2024


Every living thing on Earth has both masculine and feminine elements, which, when balanced, contribute to our sense of complete union — a a perfect harmony within. This concept of duality is not just physical but is seen as divine throughout time. The term Tantra, which originates from the Sanskrit word for ‘weave’, relates to the divine union of the masculine and feminine principles. This is exemplified in the Hindu traditions by the divine masculine Shiva and the divine feminine Shakti. Their story is often viewed as a powerful symbol of male and female energies in perfect balance and harmony.

Eternal Love Story

It may just be mythology, or as many would assert, a deeply held belief by millions. Driven by faith or personal meditative experiences of spiritual seekers, this belief has not only highlighted Shiva and Shakti but has also brought us meditation, yoga, and a deeper connection to spirituality.

According to Kashmir Shaivism, one of the major branches of yogic philosophy, there is a divine masculine energy that takes the form of the Hindu god, Shiva, and a divine feminine energy that takes the form of the goddess, Shakti.

Both Shiva and Shakti are present in both males and females. All of us have divine masculine (Shiva) aspects and divine feminine (Shakti) aspects to our being. Whether balanced or imbalance that’s another question.

It’s said that our feminine side resides on our left side, while the masculine resides on our right side, in both men and women. We hold these energies within us and, when united, there’s a complete balance, joy, and presence within our very being. Accessing each of our divine natures — both masculine and feminine — can be enlightening and elevating for the spiritual aspirants.

Shiva (Masculine Energy)

Shiva represents the ultimate reality or consciousness that underlies the universe. Known as a symbol of absolute power and the divine balance of creation and destruction, Shiva is one of Hinduism’s most revered deities. He embodies both peace and power, stability and emotion, reflecting his dual role in the universe.

Shiva is also recognized as the Lord of Yoga, linking the spiritual and physical worlds. His energy provides inner strength and a profound sense of calm. In meditation, invoking Shiva’s energy can enhance our presence and awareness, helping us stay grounded and compassionate even in challenging times.

Shiva’s qualities include direction, purpose, freedom, and awareness. He represents the stillness of being, while his energy permeates all of creation.

Shakti (Feminine Energy)

Shakti, on the other hand, is the embodiment of movement, change, and creativity. She is fluid and adaptable, bringing life to the universe’s manifest aspects. Shakti’s energy is vibrant and expressive, seen in all living things.

Shakti’s form can be likened to the life force, or prana, that flows through us, and to the kundalini energy, which lies dormant until activated, leading to profound spiritual transformation. Shakti is the dynamic force that dances through reality, driving the cycles of birth, life, and transformation.

In meditation, when we observe this dynamic play, we connect with our inner Shiva, the still witness to Shakti’s dance.

The Union of Shiva and Shakti

Together, Shiva and Shakti represent a powerful union that balances the masculine and feminine within us, depicted mythologically as Ardhanarishvara. This symbolic integration shows a figure that is half Shiva and half Shakti, illustrating the interconnectedness of these energies within us, leading to wholeness and balance.


Shiva provides the structure and direction for Shakti’s transformative energy, guiding it towards a harmonious flow. This union is not only a beautiful concept but a practical aspect of spiritual growth, highlighting the balance that we can strive to achieve within ourselves.

By understanding the qualities of both Shiva and Shakti, we can see how their energies interact within us, guiding us towards a balanced and enlightened state. Embracing these aspects of the divine can help us find peace and harmony in our daily lives.



Merging Into Oneness

Journey of my spiritual explorations, mystical experiences, learnings and everything in between. Learn more about me here - https://www.meditatewithsarika.com/